Oh, it's Friday again and I am still not well. I am feeling a bit like this sea monster looking in on the lives of others while I sit on the side lines waiting to be healthy.
I've been trying to make it through the week and also do something creative or productive to keep my will power going. This week I drew a rough draft of a logo/t-shirt design for a bike shop that will be opening up soon called 'Surf Monkey'. I'm hoping it goes somewhere but if not it was fun to work on. I also went to a volunteer meeting for a non-profit called San Diego Victory Gardens. They teach people how to grow their own veggie gardens by actually going to their homes and building/designing their garden with them! Isn't that cool? I can't wait to get involved. This weekend I'm going to hang out with my chickens and try to get some exercise and sunshine. I'm also going to try acupuncture for the first time today. Cross your fingers that it works for me!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!