I am constantly wishing that I controlled the world. I'm not saying I want to be President of the United States or anything practical like that... I'm just saying that when I walk down the street and I see a woman wearing an over-sized t-shirt with manatees printed all over it, I wish I could do something about it.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Ban On Shopping
Well, it's almost the end of the month and if you have been reading my blog you know what that means... my month-long ban on shopping is almost over! Sadly, all the summer clothes at Anthro went on sale last week and I had to miss out on several pairs of shorts I was plotting to buy. It was painful, but a healthy pain. Now that they are gone, and there's nothing I can do about it, I must admit I feel good. I feel lighter somehow. This must be what Buddhists feel like; they aren't weighed down by possessions. There is probably a lesson in here for me, but only time will tell if I have learned it. Hopefully, the outcome of this month is that I will have become a more frugal shopper. But anyway, irony aside, let's look at what I am dying to buy when this month is up!
Seychelles is my new obsession. I have four pairs of their shoes and they are all amazing. I am telling you, this brand rules. You can pick these up from Anthro or the Seychelles website. They also have them in yellow. I hope they are comfortable enough to walk around Montreal in. I hate compromising cuteness for comfort, especially while on vacation. But see? I only want one pair of shoes. Buddhism is definitely taking hold. Of course there are other things that I would like-- but I am learning to edit my shopping lists.
Product Reviews,
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Resulting Cowboy(girl)...
In case you were wondering how the 'country casual' wedding turned out... here are some pictures!
As you can see, everything was super cute. The only thing missing was my cowboy boots. I had a last minute wardrobe malfunction and rocked Greek sandals instead. Oh, well.
The bride had on the coolest boots!
We got super into wrapping our gifts appropriate to the theme. Can you believe we found snakeskin wrapping paper? Amazing!
The ring bearer was the cutest! I love the little pedestal they made out of hay for the rings.
My bf and I found this insane coat (made from what seemed like an entire bear) hanging in the saloon. Obviously, Tim had to put it on.
Yay for the happy couple!
(Photography by Nancy & George Zaferes, plus Tim O'Neil, Marnie Baird and yours truly.)
Miu Miu!
I don't know about you, but I am a cat person. So, I know that the "mew, mew" of a cat really translates to "I want, I want". What an astutely named brand! I know I want, want it! And I am surely not alone. Sadly, most of us cannot afford to pay for it. Some would say that this is the very reason for us wanting it so badly, I say, hogwash! I want it because it's super cute and unique, so go to hell. How can we cope with your unfufilled desire for Miu Miu? There aren't many ways, but there are a few.
Get creative! I for one do not have the patience to do my nails like this. Though, I am not sure if she did these herself... maybe you could bring this picture to your nail salon and convince an expert to do it. It's no outfit but it is a little taste of Miu.
God, I want these shoes. If only they were more practical. That nailpolish did give me an idea though... If you don't want to shell out for these, or stumble around in giant heels, how about stenciling your Keds, Toms, or other design friendly footwear? Imagine cute little kitties or sparrows stenciled all over!

Or you can just rock the knock-offs. Check out this one from Modcloth! Love this one, bring 'em on, I say!
Featured Artist,
Friday, July 16, 2010
Girl Crush: Lily Cole
I am back from my vacation and lovin' that today is Friday. Here's a little eye candy ala my newest girl crush: Lily Cole. She is so unique looking and she has the coolest photo shoots! I think Tim Burton should cast her in his next movie. She is alittle Christina Ricci -esk.
Girl Crush
Friday, July 9, 2010
I am on vacay right now, so you will have to do without my posts for a bit. While I am away, you may want to entertain yourselves with this:
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
How DARE you dare me!
My brother and mom are continuously shocked by how many packages I get delivered to the house. It's true that I have a little bit of a shopping problem... and it is also true that I send the packages to my mom's house so that my dad does not find out about how much I buy but what else is my paycheck for, right? Anyway, long story short, my brother has dared me to not shop at all during the month of July. In fact, he says that I cannot do it. Well I can and I will! Ha-Haaa! I was even tested today by the oh, so cruel and giant sale Anthro decided to have (curse their black souls) and I have not bought one thing. So far- so good. Give me strength, dear readers, give me strength.
Yes, this is me swimming in the "closet of glory". No, it is not my closet. It is in fact, a tiny vintage store which was basically a closet crammed full of things that you had to dig through. Greatest thing ever, btw. I <3 Budapest.
Friday, July 2, 2010
4th of July Inspiration
I just love the 4th! When I was little our neighborhood used to block off the street and have a block party. It was greatest! We had a an egg toss, a watermelon seed spitting contest, sparklers and illegal fireworks. My dad used to wake us up for it by blasting his John Phillip Sousa record. He still does, in fact... Let's have a little inspiration for this weekend, shall we? I am going to a friend's family party this year in LA. Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend!
Image Credits: Not sure; USA Patrica Van der vliet by Lachlan Bailey; Marching Band; R, W, & B Soapsicles; R, W, & B Firework; "Cow's Skull: Red, White, and Blue" (1931) - Georgia O'Keeffe; "Kiss the Sky"; Martha Stewart Cupcakes; Reblogged from Paper Tissue; Firework box; Jean Harlow
Inspiration Montage
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